A reflection on 2020…
As the sun goes down on 2020, it's important to take a moment of self reflection, to look back and give thanks.
It was a year where each of us have had our own challenges to deal with and work through.
It was a year of false starts and re-sets.
It was also a year where we gained some insights which could only have occurred because of the very things that were happening around us!
But more than simply looking back, it's equally important to set the sights on the year ahead.
Of course, we don't know what will happen, but having at least one big goal to aim for will bring energy and focus to your thoughts.
Make the most of the next few days, reflect on the year just passed and think about the goal you'll be shooting for in 2021.
Let me know if you need a hand, or if you’d like to chat them through.