Thinking of buying a franchise?
If you're thinking of buying a franchise, it's really important to get a Pre-purchase Review before you invest.
Our pre-purchase review assesses the financial aspects of the franchise you are considering. This becomes an important part of your financial due diligence on the franchise.
When you’re investing in a business, you should be as sure as possible, that the numbers work out for you.
It’s also important to check that the franchise will actually provide you with the income you need. Many of our clients have told us they wanted an independant ‘set of eye’s’ to review the numbers, someone who wasn’t emotionally invested in the decision. Someone to look objectively at the business and at the figures.
The Pre-purchase Review covers three main areas:
The level of sales revenue you need to cover your costs and make the income you need,
Provide an estimate of the costs to run the business in its first year of operation,
Provide you with questions to consider as part of your Due Diligence.
The Review is designed to help you decide if the franchise is a good match for you. We also want to be as certain as possible that it stacks up financially for you.
We’ve done over 400 pre-purchase reviews and assessed more than 150 different franchise brands. This puts us in a unique position as we know the market really well, what works and what doesn't. We know what to watch out for and the specific areas of risk.
The Pre-purchase Review is prepared for a fixed fee of $965+gst
Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss further, we look forward to working together on your future business!