Be more than just a ‘fair weather friend’.

“Be more than be just a ‘fair weather’ friend’, he said.

The wisest words of advice I ever received. Some people are doing it tough at the moment. Things have gone pear shaped, massive levels of stress.

One new client has just been admitted to hospital with a mental breakdown.

It’s likely someone you know is having a hard time. And because we think we don’t have the skills to deal with it we rush on by.

Turn a blind eye.

Yet, just reaching out in a small way, a text message, or a call, can let them know you’re there if they need to talk. Or not talk.

Sometimes it’s just knowing another human has reached out is enough.

Life is a very strange thing. One minute we’re up and the next minute we’re down.

But keeping an eye out for others is one of the greatest gifts we can give.

If you feel like having a chat with someone, please give me a call.



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