How to increase your sales, every month.

We often get asked, “How do I increase my sales?”

And our answer is always, “Increase your activity!”

Your sales this month are a result of your actions last month and the months before that.

Because the Sales figure sits at the top of the Profit & Loss Statement, we tend to think it all starts there.

But, it actually starts way before that!

So, to really understand your sales, look at the activity undertaken in the past which have contributed to the sales you're securing now.

Advertising and promotion.

  • Review how much has been spent and when.

  • Assess how effective it has been.

  • Check which mediums / platforms are working.

  • Identify where it can be improved and how.

Sales Training.

  • Check how effective your customer facing people are.

  • Review the levels of training they’ve had.

  • Identify where it can be improved and how.

Prospecting Activity Measures.

  • Number of new contacts made.

  • Networking events attended.

  • Meetings or zoom calls held with:

    • People of Influence.

    • Prospects.

Account Management Activity Measures.

  • Number of existing clients contacted.

  • Client events held.

  • Meetings or zoom calls held with existing clients.

  • Compare actual activity against planned activity.

Just like picking fruit from a tree, it takes time for the fruit to be ready for harvest. It doesn't just appear. The tree needs to be nurtured, watered and given attention on a regular basis.

Just like our clients and prospects.

Feel free to get in contact if you would like to discuss.



How to improve sales revenue


How to increase your sales