How to make the most of the COVID Lockdowns
There is no doubt that these lastest COVID Lockdowns are causing a fair bit of concern in the community.
But we wanted to take a positive position on this, so we came up with a list of the Top Ten Ways to make the most of the COVID Lockdowns.
Try these Top 10 Tips:
Accept your situation and get on with things. No whining or complaining – we’re all in this together!
Finalise your year-end figures and get your tax return done for last year (2021)
Update your plan for “Life after COVID”, because one thing we know for sure, we will come out of this.
Update your Database details for:
People of Influence
Review your Cyber-security and risk management.
Refresh your website / social media look (FB, Insta, LinkedIn, TikTok?, What’sapp)
Develop your “COVID Busting Special”
Build capacity in your business, so that you’re ready and raring to go when this is over.
Review your supplier arrangements, to ensure you are getting the best deals for the future.
Communicate with your team, your suppliers, your bank, your accountant, your partner, your spouse, your parents, your kids, your siblings, your dog / cat / budgie / animal of choice, just talk to someone !!
And there’s no need to stop with this list of ten. How about you use these as the starting point, to get your thought juices flowing. See how many others you can come up with.
Once you get started, there’s no limit to your imagination and creativity.
How you get through COVID and make the most of this opportunity really is up to you.
Let me know if you’d like to chat about anything that’s on your mind.