
Peter Knight Peter Knight

Accessing the equity in your house to buy a franchise

Some people like to access the equity they have in their property to fund the purchase of a franchise business. This means they continue to use the security they already have and are simply taking advantage of the increased value of their property. This article considers the way the banks look at the additional borrowings taken against the home equity.

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Peter Knight Peter Knight

The real reason to review financial reports.

Financial statements show us the financial performance of a business. They show the profitability and also the financial strength of the balance sheet. But this is only useful if one takes the time to actually look at the reports to see it for themselves. Many business owners do not look at financial reports. And even if they did, they would not understand what they are looking at. It is up to franchise accountants to explain what is in the financial reports and how they can help the business owner.

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Peter Knight Peter Knight

“How much profit should I make?”

Making a profit is one of the fundamental elements of running a business. It means the business is sustainable in its own right, can provide employment, which allows employees to earn a living and pursue their own dreams and aspirations. But the question is often asked about the level of profit and whether it is sufficient. This article addresses this question and considers alternative methods to assess the appropriateness of profitability.

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Peter Knight Peter Knight

Obligations to refurbish your franchise.

There are many situations where a tenant is required to undertake a refurbishment of their premises. This can be required either by the franchisor or the landlord. There can also be significant costs involved so it is important to have a clear understanding at the start regarding the future capital expenditure requirement.

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Peter Knight Peter Knight

“What is a Business Health Check?”

A business health check is one of the tools franchise accountants use to assess the financial health of a business. A business health check provides insights into the financial performance of the business. It identifies the strengths of the business, while also highlighting areas of risk and exposure. It is one of the most important tools for a business and franchise accountant.

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Peter Knight Peter Knight

How to increase your sales

Many people ask us, “How do I increase sales?” This is an important question and is critical to the success of any business. The ability to increase sales will support the sustainability of the business and allow the business owner to continue to provide employment, make profits and reinvest back into the business. There is nothing more important to a business than to increase sales revenue.

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Peter Knight Peter Knight

The best time to put on a new employee

Putting on a new employee is a big decision for any business owner, particularly in your early days. There is a financial commitment, as well as emotional commitment to be sure your business can sustain the new employee and associated costs. This post looks at five areas to consider before you employ your new staff member.

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