“By this shall I be judged.”
It’s the things we do, things we’ve achieved, built, said or done that show who we are.
What we’re capable of.
And we are judged on these.
But we’re are also judged on things we haven’t done, or achieved.
So, what are the things you are judged on?
Sales, profits, reports, quality, vacancy, churn, head count?
The list goes on.
But who will do the judging?
Do you respect them?
Believe them?
Rate them?
Do you work for them? Live with them?
Are they your parents, family or friends?
But the toughest judge of all is yourself.
The person you see in the mirror.
Are they (you) a good judge?
Tough but fair?
Reliable? Credible?
Do they let you off when you haven’t performed as you know you could?
Can you tell them your inner thoughts?
The silent fears you never tell?
The doubts you secretly hold?
Or, are they your friend, your coach, your greatest supporter?
Do they pick you up and encourage you to go again?
Remember, at the end of the day, it’s just you.
To be your best self is all you can ask of yourself.
And only you can judge yourself on that.
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