Make that call..!

Make that call.
Pick up the phone and make that call.
You know what I’m talking about.
And you know who you need to call.
So, make the call.
Take a good look at yourself.
Stop with the excuses.
“I’ll just send them an email”
“They’re probably busy”
“I’ll just do this first”
“I’ve got a meeting coming up”
“It might not be a good time to call”
It’s always a good time to call!
Because it’s not actually about the call.
It’s about you.
It’s about who you need to be to make the call.
It's about what you have to get over.
It’s about pushing through.
Then you can make the call.
So, pick up the phone.
Call them.

Let me know if you need a hand, or you want to talk this through.
Understanding yourself well enough to conquer your inner fear, to quell those internal voices.
Sometimes that’s tough to manage on your own.
If you’re wondering how to break through, give me a call.


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