How to write a Business Plan – one you can actually use!

One of the wealthiest clients I’ve ever had told me his secret for preparing his Business Plans.

(It obviously worked, he had businesses in 8 countries, I looked after his Australian interests - he lived in the Southern Highlands and kept his Ferrari under a blanket at night!)

He said, “Pete, get three bits of paper. On the top of each page, write, ‘Where am I now? Where am I going? How am I going to get there?’

“If you can’t summarise the key points for each of these headings on one page, it’s not a Plan, it’s dribble.”

Let’s look at them in more detail:

  1. Where am I now? This is a snapshot of your current position;

    - Sales

    - Profit

    - Assets

    - Debts

    - Staffing

    - Marketing strategy

    - Conversion rates

    - Client base

    - Supply chain

  2. Where am I going? This is a snapshot of your EXPECTED position. Use the same categories as above;

    - Sales

    - Profit

    - Assets

    - Debts

    - Staffing

    - Marketing strategy

    - Conversion rates

    - Client base

    - Supply chain

  3. How am I going to get there? This is strategy. Identify the steps you need to take to get there.

Let me know if you’d like a worked example to use as a starting point for your own plan.


We all need a little guidance…


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