S.W.O.T. Analysis

A SWOT is not new. But as we enter this new world, it might be worth revisiting and update with a fresh mindset. You might be surprised with what you discover, and it could have a massive impact on your strategy.

. What are our strengths? What are we good at? What are we known for?
. Could include your brand, people, products, services, technical skills, customer service, ability to meet deadlines, etc, that sort of thing.

. What are our weaknesses? What are we poor at? Where can we improve? What can we do better?

. What opportunities do we see? What areas can we move into? What new products or services can we introduce? What new markets can we break into? If we just let go, where could we go?

Don’t worry about the ‘how’, just list as many opportunities as you can think of. Come back later to refine and prioritise them.

. What threats do we face? What should we be worried about? What could go wrong?

Again, don’t worry about fixing things at the moment, just get the ideas written down.

Once you’ve finished this brainstorming, take time to review your lists and see what strategy and actions reveal themselves. You might be surprised at what you’ve come up with!

Let me know if you need a hand.


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