Hospitality can be tough.
And it’s even worse if you don’t have control of your numbers.
This is one game where slight miscalculations can have a massive impact on your bottom line.
That’s why it’s so important to have an expert look after your numbers.
This is where Anja Carruthers comes in. She works as the virtual CFO for hospitality businesses. She doesn’t do tax, she says, “that’s too much of a distraction!”. That way she can focus just on the business she’s working with.
Anja is from Austria. In Austria, hospitality plays a major part in their economy. “It’s so different in Austria,” she says. “Hospitality is a career, not just something you do while you’re looking for something else.”
In fact, she explained that to become a waiter requires an apprenticeship. You can be a ‘server’ without an apprenticeship, but you definitely need it if you want to be a waiter. She has done virtually every job within hospitality, and has even run her own bar and restaurant. But it’s her love of the numbers that keeps drawing her back to the financial side.
She has seen so many hospitality businesses go broke, often because of poor (or no) financial advice. “They need someone to help with the figures,” she says, referring to hospo business owners. “Someone they can trust. That’s what we’re here for!”
Some business owners are stubborn and stuck in their ways. “They are nearly impossible to train,” she says. “So don’t! I’d rather do it for them.”
Anja has developed systems that look after the big pain points in hospo. Payments to suppliers, payroll and the tax office. “With the systems in place, it runs like clockwork.”
I have no hesitation in recommending Anja for your hospitality business.
(And no, this is not a paid advertisement!)
Let me know if you need a hand.