How to make your ‘offer’ essential.

Does your 'offer' have these essential factors?

  1. Relevance

  2. Quantifiable value

  3. Differentiator

Maybe. But what do they mean?

  • Show how you’re relevant. Show how your product or service will solve your customers problems. The key, of course, is to understand their problems.

    (OK, not ALL of their problems, just the ones you can fix!)

  • Show that you understand their pain points, or frustrations, and how dealing with you will solve them.

  • Quantify the value you bring. Be clear about the specific benefits your product or services offers. But more than just the benefits, show how they will actually HELP your customer.

  • Differentiate. It’s a crowded marketplace. Make it clear why customers should buy from you and not someone else.

This is a solid list and it all makes sense.

But it's not easy and execution is the toughest bit. To bring it all together. That’s where most businesses struggle.

And I also think it’s a cold list. It’s unfeeling. No mention of emotions. Yet surely, they’re at the heart of all decisions?

So, … maybe we should add one more to the list:

  • Emotional connection.

    How does your business, product and service connect with your customer on an emotional level? There's gold right there!

Let me know if you need a hand.


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