The real reason to review financial reports.
Financial statements show us the financial performance of a business. They show the profitability and also the financial strength of the balance sheet. But this is only useful if one takes the time to actually look at the reports to see it for themselves. Many business owners do not look at financial reports. And even if they did, they would not understand what they are looking at. It is up to franchise accountants to explain what is in the financial reports and how they can help the business owner.
“How much profit should I make?”
Making a profit is one of the fundamental elements of running a business. It means the business is sustainable in its own right, can provide employment, which allows employees to earn a living and pursue their own dreams and aspirations. But the question is often asked about the level of profit and whether it is sufficient. This article addresses this question and considers alternative methods to assess the appropriateness of profitability.

How to make your ‘offer’ essential.
It's really quite simple, the elements you need to include are:
Relevance, Quantifiable value, Differentiator
Oh, and one more! But you'll need to read on to find out...